Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Next step

So after the idea of me having a tumor and everything had sunk in I had an important decison to make; I was given the choice of having surgery to remove the 1.5cm benign macroadenoma (non cancerous tumor). I was told that it was MY choice whether or not to proceed with the surgery, but was warned that if I didn't have the surgery there was a good possibility that I would have a stroke. Hmmm... the choice sort of seemed clear to me! I got to meet with my surgeon and my new endocrine specialist. They told me the risks that were involved with the surgery and I must admit they were pretty scary! The doctors told me that my tumor was pushing against my optic nerve and there was a possiblity that they could knick the nerve and I would wake up blind, there was a chance that they would knick the brain fluid sack (they never told me what would happen if that were to happen), they said that there was a chance that they wouldn't be able to get all the tumor and there was a small chance that I could have a stroke while in surgery. It was actually really scary once they told me all the possible complications. It was then that the doctor told me "This surgery is like flying a small plane... most of the time it goes well, but when it goes wrong it REALLY goes wrong....." Sounds pretty scary but I was still all for the surgery... the doctors told me that they were sure that after my surgery I would go back to what I felt/looked like "before Cushings". I was so excited that I was going to be "normal" again! I really got a good feeling after meeting with the endocrine specialist (the most intelligent and amazing person I know!) She was very thorough and explained everything to me very well. I had to get a bone density test done. People with Cushings Disease often have a low bone density and can develop osteoperosis and they had to make sure that my bone density was still good. I also went through alot of blood tests to see exactly how high my cortisol and ACTH levels were. After all the tests and stuff were done I was told that my sugery was going to be in 5 days. I got to go home for 3 days before I had to be back in Edmonton for pre-surgery admission.

Just before I was admitted to the hospital my sister had a little boy who I hadn't gotten to spend much time with so when I got home I spent 2 days at my sisters house. I got to spend time with Logan and he made me feel a little less scared. Its funny how someone so small can make you forget all your worries! After spending a little time with my family my mom and I headed back to Edmonton. We spent a night with my Grandma and then off to the hospital. My Dad (Jim) and my siter Leanne and her son Logan came down the day before my surgery to be there to support me and my mom. My mom was amazing she had already spent 3 1/2 weeks driving 1 hour each way every day just to sit with me in the hospital. On a couple special days I was allowed a day pass and she took me to the zoo, parks, Fort Edmonton, out for dinner, shopping, some days we just drove around and got lost just to see if we could find our way again. After being in Edmonton for 3 1/2 weeks you get a little stir crazy.... but she was so wonderful. She was with me from the time they would let her in in the morning until they were kicking her out at night. Sometimes my Grandma would come with her too. It was really important to me to have my family there. It was extra special that my Dad had brought my sister and my almost 2 month old nephew to be there for me too.... he was and is so special to me. It helped to ease the nerves.... at least a little bit!

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