Saturday, May 16, 2009

The rest of the radiation treatments....

So my Dad ever so faithfully woke me up every morning to drive me into the city.... sat in the waiting room for me to have my treatment just so we could drive an hour and a half back to the ranch. Every day was pretty much the same..

My Dad made a comment about how he thought it was funny that after EVERY treatment I would start yawning as soon as we got to the automatic doors on the way out of the building... I hadn't even noticed that!

There was one day during that week that the tomo machine was "broken" and we had the choice to wait until it was fixed or to just add another day onto my treatments... after discussing it with my Dad we decided to just wait... I mean what else did we have to do?.... we only ended up waiting about 2 hours anyways so it wasn't that bad.....

Staying at the ranch sucked... since my Grandma passed away it was not the same. Al started being rude to me because I didn't care for the fact that he had a girlfriend already. It really hurt that after only about 3 months he already had moved on... he was with my Grandma for 23 years and he was able to just brush her aside... it really hurt and I didn't hide the fact that I thought that was awful. I was not rude to him but I didn't hide my feelings either.... he did not like that. So I looked forward to the weekends when I could go home and be away from him. He also made me feel like I was just lazy because all I did was sleep.... he didn't understand that I couldn't help it, that I needed to sleep as much as I did. My Dad was great though... he told me he liked it that I had to nap a lot because then he got to too! I love him so much and it was so great to have him down there with me.... he always seems to have a way of making me feel "normal". It was nice to spend a whole week with him... and the best part was that when we went home that weekend it was Logan's 2nd birthday so we had a birthday party for him at my parents. It was alot of fun to be around friends and family, and especially Logan. His laughter made everything seem okay and it helped me forget about being tired all the time.

The following week my Dad (Jack) and Shannon came to Edmonton with me. Logans Dad (Darren) had a birthday party for Logan that day at his house, and we didn't end up leaving the Ranch until about 6pm. We drove to Little Smoky which is where my Auntie Karen lives and we stopped and visited with her for a bit. We actually only made it to Whitecourt that night so we had to wake up early to make it to the city in time for my treatment. It was sort of weird to have my Dad there because he had never been there for any of my medical stuff and they didn't understand any of it. After my treatment we drove to the hotel that we were going to be staying at and Shannon wanted to go shopping... I was too tired so I fell asleep and when I woke up they were gone... must have gotten bored. They both didn't understand how tired I felt and I am sure it was hard for them to just sit around. The rest of the week went fairly well, I was tired but tried to keep up. We went shopping a bit and before I knew it the week was over and we got to come home again.

Nothing really extraordinary happened throughout my treatments. There were a couple days that the machine was broken, a few days where I felt a little nauseous and I continued to become more and more tired. My hair thinned a little but not alot, and my skin became dry. I made sure to continue using the baby products (such as the shampoo and lotions), I had fuzzy hair and smelt like a baby and I couldn't wear make up which was a little scary... but it wasn't that bad!!!

My mom came with me for the rest of my treatments. The treatments made me so tired that all I really did was sleep... it must have been so boring for her! There were a few days that the machine wasn't working so we ended up driving to Calgary because my mom had one of her horses in training with Clay Webster and he was living just outside of Calgary. I think we went there 2 or 3 times... I slept pretty much the whole way there, but it was nice to be around all the horses and to see Nikki (my moms mare). I was able to watch Clay ride some of the horses that he was training and I must say that is when I really got the reining bug. I decided that that was what I wanted to do as well... Clay and his wife Jenn are amazing people. Clay has helped me learn so much in the wonderful world of reining, and with my mare Luci.

The last week of my treatments I only had to go for 2 days so my little sister Jaimie came down with me. I think it really opened her eyes as to what I had to go through on a daily basis... she had never been to any of my appointments with me, just to my second surgery. She was a trooper though, not really fond of having to get up at 6 in the morning to drive to the city but luckily we only had to do it for 2 days! On the last day of my treatment I also had to go to the U of A hospital to meet with my endocrine doctor and the neuro surgeon to have a check up. My appointment was at 10am, but as you probably can imagine they were "running a bit behind schedule". I remember sitting there with Jaimie and she was tired and hungry and she looked at me and said "I hate your life". I laughed because I was used to this, the doctors appointments always seem to be behind schedule but you don't dare show up late just in case they actually are running on schedule, you wouldn't want to miss your appointment! My appointment was sort of a waste of time, the doctors didn't have anything new to tell me. They were going to keep me on the same dose of ketaconazole and I would have to come back in 3 months for another follow up appointment. So Jaimie and I grabbed some food and started our trip back home... the whole 7 hours of it! I don't think I ever did thank her for coming with me but just in case she reads this THANK YOU JAIMIE!!! I love you!

***This post is just a glimpse at my radiation treatments... it was so long ago that I know I probably have forgotten some things but my memory isn't so great. All the days seem to run into one another... so sorry!***

1 comment:

  1. I know that you don't know me very well, but your mom gave me this address. I am Jayda from Phoenix North and I feel so sad that you have to go through this. Just like most people, I know very little about Cushings and I think it is great that you have started this blog to raise awareness. We are thinking of you often, and hope to see your smiling face soon!
    Luv Jayda and the Girls at Phoenix
